when does it stop?

evil vs the good and why is it this way?

When does it stop? The monsters are everywhere nowadays. They’re your friends and your enemies. The ones that talk smack about you behind your back. That lay waste and disgusted smirks at your name. Why? Why do they keep doing this? There’s the old saying that it’s because people like to make themselves feel better by putting others down. Psychologically speaking, because they’ve had it rough at home or are in fear of being put down by others.

The thing about strays is that once you take in the tattered puppy on the side of the road, it never goes away. It’s always in your memories. It whines and yelps every time you think back to the best days of your life. As a sixteen year old girl, I am constantly covered with images of those who have done me wrong, said to me wrong and said the wrong about me. It is unfair that I have to put up with such utter nonsense everyday coming at me from all sides of the scope. Now, it comes from people I don’t even know. Why?

It’s not because people want to make themselves feel better, but, rather because they want to be entertained. Humans, unaware, the majority love to be entertained with drama. It has given us a way to make sense of the world because entertainment is not what is always on the television but what is right in front of us now. What good is this, this horrid evilness where we can find more joy in building ourselves up rather than others? When did violent words and actions become our default strategy when things did not go our way?

These things must change or we as entire people will become our own downfall.

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